Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jeffrey Gitomer - Got satisfied customers? No, you got“vulnerable” customers.

Great article from Jeffrey Gitomer enjoy,

as posted May 27th 2008 - Jeffrey Gitomer

Got satisfied customers? No, you got “vulnerable” customers.

One of the main reasons “customer satisfaction” is a meaningless statistic is that it’s not predictable, let alone measurable, as relates to business growth.
Right about now all customer satisfaction people, from marketing to award companies, are writing me off as a “know-nothing” human who has no concept of business. “You MUST have satisfied customers or you can’t build a business.”
Wrong SAT-score breath. Way wrong.

“Satisfied” is the LOWEST level of acceptable customer service. Any hotel in the world, can guarantee satisfaction because they can easily fix what’s wrong and count you among their minions. But they won’t guaranty loyalty. THAT would take work.
Satisfaction is NOT an action taken because something is wrong or something broke. Oh no, satisfaction is a feeling – and an indicator of future business.

Enter “loyalty.”
The real measure of customer response and value. I only care about two things in my relationship with a customer:

Read the rest of this article here ...
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