Thursday, December 18, 2008

Key things to remember this holiday season!


Key things to remember this holiday season!

This past year I read some information that I would like to share with you this holiday season. The message speaks to the abundance that we have in our present lives.

Every day we deal with many pressing situations in our lives and for many of us we need to reflect on how thankful we should truly be.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the people in this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthiest people.
If you woke up this morning with good health you are more fortunate than the million people who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of war unfolding all around you, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a place of worship, without fear of persecution, harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

At this time of the year it’s important to remember how fortunate we are to live in such a great country as Canada. Take time to remember all the things that allow us to prosper in our daily lives.

I wish you all the best this holiday season, and may this New Year bring you many rewards.

Happy Holidays from FloodLight Consulting,

Donald Robichaud
FloodLight Consulting

Increase your Productivity - Sales Consulting - Kelowna

In the last couple of weeks I have been reading many books and one in particular has struck a key note with me.
Daily I deal with clients and friends who are slaves to technology, specifically emails, cell phones and their own struggles with time management.

The book "The 4-Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferriss is about how to radically change your lifestyle or go from
'living to work' to working (as little, but effectively as possible) and making life as big as possible.
Here is a summary from chapter seven (Interrupting Interruption and the Art of Refusal) that is focused on step-changing one's personal efficiency. With these tips you can get 15 times as much done in a normal workweek".

The key is to do things quicker, faster better and to enjoy the things that are really important in life. Interested?

Donald Robichaud- FloodLight Consulting

Eliminate time wasters:
  • Severely limit e-mail consumption and production
  • Turn off the audible alert if you're on Outlook or a similar program
  • Turn off automatic send/receive (which delivers e-mail to your in-box as soon as someone sends them)
  • Check e-mail only twice per day, once at 12:00 noon and again at 4:00 pm.
  • Never check e-mail first thing in the morning…instead, complete your most important task before 11:00 am to avoid using lunch or reading e-mail as a postponement excuse.
  • Before implementing the twice-daily routine, you must create an e-mail auto-response that will train your boss, co-workers, suppliers, and clients to be more effective

  • Suggested e-mail template: "Due to high workload, I am currently checking and responding to e-mail twice daily at 12:00 noon (PST) and 4:00 pm (PST). If you require urgent assistance that cannot wait until either 12:00 or 4:00, please contact me via telephone @ 626-321-4107. Thank you for understanding this move to more efficiency and effectiveness. It helps me to accomplish more and serve you better."
  • Do the same type of template with your phone voicemail.

Create systems to limit your availability via e-mail and phone and deflect inappropriate contact:

  • Get the auto-response and voicemail script in place now, and master the various methods of evasion.
  • Replace the habit of greeting "How are you?" with "How can I help you?"
  • Get specific and remember – no stories
  • Focus on immediate actions and practice interruption-killing policies.
  • Batch activities to limit set-up cost. Where in my life can I create a routine in my life by batching?
  • What tasks (like laundry, groceries, mail, payments, sales reporting, etc.) can I allot to specific times each day, week, or month so I don't squander time repeating them more often than necessary?

Need Help?

FloodLight Consulting provides objective feedback about what you need to do to get your business on track. A healthy business coach relationship provides you honest ongoing assessment of your Business Development Activities, assisting you to focus your efforts in the areas that will have the greatest long term positive impact on your business and your life. If you need help creating your goal-plan Click here!!

Donald Robichaud - FloodLight Consulting

Sales Coach Kelowna

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sales Consulting - Kelowna - Networking important to business development

This is a great article about the value of joining a Networking group posted by by Lori Welbourne of The Capital News.

Donald Robichaud
FloodLight Consulting

Three years and four months ago, I was invited by one of my clients to go to a meeting hosted by Okanagan Business to Business, a local networking group he belonged to.

He told me the group met every Wednesday morning at the Holiday Inn in Westbank at 7:00 a.m.

I immediately disliked the idea and explained that I was too busy at that time of the day getting my kids ready and off to daycare. Not giving up so easily, he suggested that I change my routine for one day so I could attend a meeting to see what it was like.

Being the people-pleaser that I am, I reluctantly agreed.

That Wednesday my husband tended to the children while I had the luxury of getting just myself ready for the day. And as relaxing as that felt, I still managed to arrive at the meeting five minutes late.

Sheepishly taking a seat in a room full of strangers, I observed something I had never seen before, an organized group of business people, all there for the sole purpose of helping one another out through networking and referrals.

It was the group’s first meeting back after a summer break, so there were only about 15 people there. But it seemed like twice that many when it was my turn to get up and introduce myself.

As much as I disliked public speaking, to my surprise, it also felt a little exciting to be out of my comfort zone like that.

But what I liked most about the experience was the obvious opportunity to build relationships with other business people in the community, perhaps some people that I wouldn’t normally have contact with.

Being an advertising consultant with this newspaper, I meet a lot of people and my job is to help them with the growth of their businesses. So I guess it’s no surprise I would be attracted to an organization that nurtured that.

The famous American author Napoleon Hill once wrote: “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” That quote always made sense to me, like the old saying: what goes around comes around.

Clearly, that’s what this group was all about.

I also saw potential for it’s growth and thought of at least a dozen people who would appreciate this kind of opportunity to build relationships with other like-minded individuals.

That night I went home and asked my husband if he could take care of our kids every Wednesday if I was accepted as a member to the group. He agreed and I applied for membership the next week.

After the strong connections I made in the initial few months as a new member, I felt grateful to the group and wanted to give back. So I allowed my name to stand for an executive role for the following year.

A volunteer position, it proved to be much more work than I anticipated.

But like anything in life, what you put into it is what you get back. And as much work as I’ve put into the Okanagan Business to Business, I’ve gotten so much more in return.

It has opened doors and created opportunities that would be impossible for me to fully describe in a column as short as this one.

After serving two years on its executive, I had the honour of serving as its chairperson this past year.

After an incredibly rocky start and countless hours of communicating with one another about the direction we wanted our group to move in, we finally found a unified focus.

Through adversity we have become a much stronger team, made up of 54 local business people who share the same goal of helping one another succeed in business, and in life.

Last Wednesday was my final meeting as chairperson.

Standing in front of this group of dynamic businesspeople whom I admire and respect, I felt so much gratitude for the experiences they gave me, the life lessons I have learned and the strong relationships I have developed.

If there’s a business person out there who doesn’t belong to a networking organization of some kind, I would encourage them to find one that suits them, and then join it.

Because no matter how successful you aspire to be, or already feel you are, in business, and in life, you can never have too many good people on your side.
Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2008 is almost over; did you reach your goals?

Each year, people make New Year’s Resolutions for change, only to find that they didn't achieve their goals – and then they make the same resolutions again the following year. Regardless of the goal, one of the major reasons that people fail to achieve their goals is that they do not have a goal-setting process for success.

So what makes a good goal? Goal setting provides a target to aim for so that you can make better decisions about how to utilize your time and effort for both business and personal goals.

A good goal is one that is worthy of individual pursuit; that, of course, is highly subjective, so far be it from us to define what your worthy pursuit is.
All goals, no matter what they are, start with a plan!
So what is your Goal-Plan? A good Goal-Plan is one that when followed, offers a reasonably high probability of success, given sufficient time.

FloodLight tip of the month - Here are a few tips to get you started for 2009
· Identify areas of strength and weakness
· Create a vision statement for the year
· Determine which areas to focus on in order to receive the biggest payoff
· Set goals to achieve business and personal results
· All goals must be written
· All goals must be believable
· All goals must be challenging (moving you forward in your life)
· All goals must be measurable and specific
· All goals must have a deadline
· You must hold yourself accountable for all your goals

Need Help?
FloodLight Consulting provides objective feedback about what you need to do to get your business on track. A healthy business coach relationship provides you honest ongoing assessment of your Business Development Activities, assisting you to focus your efforts in the areas that will have the greatest long term positive impact on your business and your life. If you need help creating your goal-plan Click here!!

Donald Robichaud
FloodLight Consulting

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Donald Robichaud -Testimonials do work!

When you’re selling, you’ll have to make a claim about your product or service to appeal to potential customers. However, because research suggests that people are reluctant to believe hype, it’s essential that you’re able to validate your claims in some way.

Using testimonials provides a perfect way to do this because positive statements from happy customers are much more believable than the words of a company spokesperson. By using a customer testimonial, research shows your business could increase by around 30%.

Do they work?

Testimonials may not seem like an incredibly powerful selling tool but when used correctly, they are extremely effective. By informing readers of the positive experiences your existing customers have had, testimonials lend credibility to your product or service. Without using testimonials, any claims you make will remain unsubstantiated and customers will find it hard to trust you and ultimately, will be reluctant to buy your product or service.

Target Marketing

It is very important to solicit testimonials from your target market. People want to hear from people in their industry. If you’re soliciting realtors to work with you then you need to have one or more testimonials from this market.

FloodLight Tip of the month

When you solicit a testimonial, you must remember to ask after a moment of satisfaction. This is the moment when the client has expressed satisfaction with your service or product. This is the moment in time when they are most enamored with you and your service.


Client says: “That’s the best service I have ever received.”

To Client: I am glad you’re satisfied with my service. Can you provide me with a testimonial that speaks to how you felt before you used our service, how you felt during our service and how you feel now about our service?

Testimonials do work!
If you need help soliciting great testimonials Click here!!

Donald Robichaud
Dale Lamb Financial Advisor, Kelowna British Columbia, Alberta

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Internet Consulting - What Makes for a Good Blog?

I just read a great article on "What makes for a Good Blog" written by Merlin Mann. He is a regular on the CBC show Spark hosted by Nora Young. Donald Robichaud / FloodLight Consulting

What is a blog? Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online information. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, websites and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art, photographs, videos which are part of a wider network of internet social media.

What makes for a good blog?

Good blogs have a voice. Who wrote this? What is their name? What can I figure out about who they are that they have never overtly told me? What’s their personality like and what do they have to contribute — even when it’s “just” curation. What tics and foibles fascinate make me about this blog and the person who makes it? Most importantly: what obsesses this person?

Good blogs reflect focused obsessions. People start real blogs because they think about something a lot. Maybe even five things. But, their brain so overflows with curiosity about a family of topics that they can’t stop reading and writing about it. They make and consume smart forebrain porn. So: where do this person’s obsessions take them?

Good blogs are the product of “Attention times Interest.” A blog shows me where someone’s attention tends to go. Then, on some level, they encourage me to follow the evolution of their interest through a day or a year. There’s a story here. Ethical “via” links make it easy for me to follow their specific trail of attention, then join them for a walk made out of words.

Good blog posts are made of paragraphs. Blog posts are written, not defecated. They show some level of craft, thinking, and continuity beyond the word count mandated by the Owner of Your Plantation. If a blog has fixed limits on post minimums and maximums? It’s not a blog: it’s a website that hires writers. Which is fine. But, it’s not really a blog.

Good “non-post” blogs have style and curation. Some of the best blogs use unusual formats, employ only photos and video, or utilize the list format to artistic effect. I regret there are not more blogs that see format as the container for creativity — rather than an excuse to write less or link without context more.

Good blogs are weird. Blogs make fart noises and occasionally vex readers with the degree to which the blogger’s obsession will inevitably diverge from the reader’s. If this isn’t happening every few weeks, the blogger is either bored, half-assing, or taking new medication.

Good blogs make you want to start your own blog. At some point, everyone wants to kill the Buddha and make their own obsessions the focus. This is good. It means you care.

Good blogs try. I’ve come to believe that creative life in the first-world comes down to those who try just a little bit harder. Then, there’s the other 98%. They’re still eating the free continental breakfast over at FriendFeed. A good blog is written by a blogger who thinks longer, works harder, and obsesses more. Ultimately, a good blogger tries. That’s why “good” is getting rare.

Good blogs know when to break their own rules. Duh. I made a list, didn’t I? Yes. I did. Big fan. And, yeah, you should disagree with potentially all of this. It’s because I have an opinion, and so do you. It’s why you probably have a blog.See? The system works.

David Mann @
Donald Robichaud
President FloodLight Consulting
Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is your Obama marketing strategy 2009?

What is your strategy for using the internet to raise your profile in 2009?

Last night as I was waiting to listen to the speech of President elect Barack Obama, I received an email from Barack Obama about half an hour before his speech:

Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 11:38 pm
To: robichaud_don
Subject: How this happened

Donald --

I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.

We just made history. And I don't want you to forget how we did it.

You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.

We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.

But I want to be very clear about one thing...

All of this happened because of you.

Thank you,


Barack Obama’s campaign has redefined how to use modern technology to elect an official. They have promoted awareness and raised funds for their party. They have leveraged the internet to promote their cause on their organization’s website; Improved communication with their faithful, repurposed all speeches on YouTube and even directed campaign supporters with GPS to knock on doors for their target market.
Along the way they amassed over 640 Million dollars through donations over the internet. Barack Obama’s campaign leveraged the internet to create awareness of their brand, Barack Obama.

So as you assess 2008 and look ahead to 2009, what is your strategy for using the internet to raise your profile, market your services and increase sales?
If you need help creating your Marketing strategy for 2009 Click here!!
Donald Robichaud
search engine optimization SEO kelowna -Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

FloodLight - Marketing Consulting - Repurpose information for your target markets with a Blog

Emerging Technology Trend - Increasing your business exposure through the internet by repurposing your past marketing material

In working with my clients at FloodLight Consulting, one of the areas that we leverage is the Internet, so that we can get key information out to our target markets.

The internet today has become the main source of information for your clients. Your past, present and current clients may have found out about your business in any number of ways, including word of mouth, print or radio advertising and so on, but increasingly if potential clients can’t find you online, they might never find you at all.

Within your business and industry you have great marketing material and literature that is specially targeted for your market, so why not repurpose this information so that it will be accessible on the internet?

FloodLight Tip of the Month – Repurpose information on your Blog

Utilizing a Blog with key information for your target audience can be a very cost effective way to raise your profile and credibility. If you send out regular newsletters on specific topics for your market, you can repurpose this material on the internet and speak to your past, present and future customers.

Key Points: Probably the most important thing to do is to repurpose your present information.

  • It allows you to reorganize, reuse and redefine key information that you have targeted for your target market.
  • Blog Post – This is a great way to repurpose information.
  • Blog Post – allows you to control your own content and the story you want to tell.
  • Blog – allows you to express your personal view and raise your profile.
  • Blog- Cost effective Marketing with little cost.

For further Sales and Marketing information you can visit my website at or my personal blog at

Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

FloodLight - Marketing Consulting - Dealing with Procrastinators

In my thirty years of sales and marketing experience I have had to deal with many clients who cannot make a decision. They literally procrastinate and delay moving forward for many reasons. As a small business, the survival of your business may depend on the positive outcome of many sales calls. If your main prospects are all vacillating, you will need to move the sales process to the next step.

So why do procrastinators procrastinate?

People procrastinate because they don't know what the next step is. If they don’t know what it is, they can’t take it. It's that simple!

If you are currently dealing with a procrastinator who professes real interest but keeps putting you off, you’re probably dealing with a genuine procrastinator. They don’t procrastinate intentionally. It’s just in their Buying DNA.

Here’s a great question to ask to help you get the ball rolling with all the procrastinators you encounter. Please don’t underestimate the potency of this question.

“The Great Question”

“What would have to happen”for you to place an initial order of three units of our new XYZ product?

The key words are, “what would have to happen”?

Trust me, it works.

Insert whatever is appropriate for the situation after the phrase, “What would have to happen...?”

This question works like magic. It literally forces the procrastinator to think what the next steps ought to be. He tells you what the steps are and at the same time he tells himself what the steps are.

I can’t tell you how many times I've seen this work. It may be the single best way to un-procrastinate procrastinators.

FloodLight Tip of the Month – You have to ask questions.

One of the keys to closing the sale is the opening dialogue. The best way to get a conversation going is to start with really good questions. With great questions you will open up a great dialogue with your prospect and develop rapport over a shorter period of time.

You can judge the quality of your questions by the quality of the responses. Not asking intelligent and prepared questions trips up more business people than anything else.

One of the best ways to close more sales in less time is to ask rock-solid questions. Good questions eliminate all the guesswork and assumptions. Put your key questions together and bring them to every meeting to start creating better relationships.
If you need help creating your Best Questions Click here!!
Donald Robichaud
FloodLight Consulting
Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

FloodLight Consulting - VODA Computer Systems Ltd. - Technology Showcase in Kelowna

Register now for VODA Computer Systems Ltd. Third annual technology showcase in Kelowna, BC October 8th, 2008.
Participate in informative and captivating discussions regarding some of the most exciting technology trends available for your small to medium business today!
Date: October 8th, 2008

Location: The Grand Okanagan Conference Centre and Resort
1310 Water Street, Kelowna, BC Canada

Registration begins between 8:00am and 8:30am. Breakfast will be served. Ample parking available.

Grand Prize: Laptop Computer.

Log onto to register today!
Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Press Release - Jerry Dombowsky - “Grandpa sells Motels and Hotels”

Jerry Dombowsky was at a family gathering last summer when he started talking about his love of selling hotels and motels and working with buyers on their purchase of a property.

The grandchildren were within “ear shot” of this conversation when they began shouting “Grandpa sells hotels and motels”.

This struck a cord with Jerry.

In his 32 years of real estate experience in Alberta and British Columbia, Jerry Dombowsky has seen a lot of real estate transactions, specifically in the hotel and motel industry.

Jerry says, “The internet is an integral part of day to day communications. The diversity and transference of information brings the property to the property buyer in a timely informative manner.”

Jerry has a broad knowledge of hotel and motel markets in Alberta and British Columbia and has completed many hotel and motel sales and purchase transactions including small and large businesses, and commercial real estate. Having owned and operated ranches, hotels and motels, in the past, Jerry Dombowsky has a very good understanding of the effort needed to close the deal.

As of September 1st, 2008, through Jerry Dombowskys connections with Premier Canadian Properties and Christies Great Estates, the benefits of buying a hotel, motel or resort will be presented to a worldwide audience. Jerry’s new website which is dedicated solely to the acquisition of hotels and motels in Alberta and British Columbia is located at

Now that “Grandpa sells hotels and motels”, the grandchildren are looking for extended stays with Grandpa.

For more information or an interview, contact Jerry Dombowsky at (250) 717-1886.

Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Donald Robichaud - Business Coach - Defining your Mission Statement

Last month we discussed how to define a great Vision Statement. This month we will focus on the Mission Statement.

Mission Statement: Your Mission Statement is the route to the destination of your company; a particular expression of the mission that is specific to this business given its history, context and circumstances. It is a more practical focus on what the business does, and will do, than the vision statement.

So if the vision is your “Big Picture”, the mission is the “how we do it here”.

FloodLight - Tip of the month / “Five steps to follow when defining your Mission Statement”

Once you have clarified your vision you need to define your mission statement, which is a statement of purpose and function.
1. Your mission statement draws on your values.
2. Your mission statement must be future oriented and portray your organization as it will be, as if it already exists.
3. Your mission statement must focus on one common purpose.
4. Your mission statement must be specific to the organization, not generic.
5. Your mission statement must be a short statement, not more than one or two sentences.

Here is an example mission statement for a company selling energy saving products:
"By providing quality products, we empower our clients to become caring, competent, and environmentally responsible citizens who care about the air they breathe today and the legacy they leave behind for their children."

The Benefits of defining your Mission

· It focuses your energy and clarifies your purpose. When you try to write your mission statement, you will find that you have to really define what you are going to do. Many questions will come up that must be resolved. For instance, who will you serve? And, who will you not? Are you concerned about just your local area, or the whole count

· A well-defined mission can attract people and resources. A mission statement is not just for internal use. It is a beacon that will attract people and resources to your cause – a common goal. Make your mission statement compelling as well as clear. It will be your best public relations tool.

· It also enables a focused allocation of organizational resources because it compels a business to address some tough questions: “What is our business? Why do we exist? What are we trying to accomplish?"

Effective mission statements can be a great asset to an organization. When everyone is working together in a defined manner greater organizational purpose is achieved. A mission statement is a stepping stone in the strategic planning process. It is important that when an organization implements a mission statement they apply it to their functional strategies.
If you need help creating your Mission Statement Click here!!
Donald Robichaud

Doreen Cardwell - sales coach - Kelowna Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

Monday, July 14, 2008

FloodLight - Marketing Consulting - Overview

search engine optimization SEO kelowna
Effective marketing is the key to a successful business operation in Kelowna, and when it comes to marketing many business owners are at a loss as to where to begin—this is where a marketing consultant proves helpful. More and more business owners are relying on marketing consultants to help their businesses establish a public image and to advertise their business’s products or services. Why are business owners turning to the creative talents of marketing consultants to market their businesses in Kelowna? Is correct marketing that important to a business’s success? Indeed; not only is marketing important to a business’s success, correct marketing: a strategy that grabs the attention of the public is critical, actually vital to the success of any business.

A marketing consultant is an individual or a company that knows precisely what actions are needed to advertise a Kelowna business’s services and/or products. Marketing consultants are trained professionals and they can literally help a business owner get their business off the ground and keep it there. Rather than rely on ineffective self-employed marketing strategies, many business owners choose to hire a trained professional to handle all of their necessary marketing. The initial investment proves ideal: a marketing consultant can handle every business marketing need and leave the business owner to tend to other needs of the business.

Marketing consultants are effective advertising solutions. A marketing consultant can be relied on to carry out every measure necessary to get a business recognized and remembered by the public. Meanwhile, if problems arise, a marketing consultant is trained to deal with them in an effective and timely fashion. What’s more, the business owner will not be caught up in the myriad marketing difficulties a business faces because the hired consultant is ever ready to deal with every situation that arises. A successful marketing campaign is one that must be appropriately planned and implemented, and a marketing consultant knows when to act accordingly.
See full article - Click Here
Donald Robichaud - FloodLight Consulting

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

FloodLight Consulting - Lessons on Life - Jim Rohn

Just received a great three minute movie on the Lessons on Life from Jim Rohn International.

Jim Rohn's philosophy for successful living demonstrates a deep understanding of the world. His simple, yet insightful messages have touched millions of people, and continue to offer inspiration to generations.

If you love the worldly wisdom of Jim Rohn, coupled with inspirational images and beautiful're really going to love this new 3-minute movie –

Have a great day,

Don Robichaud / FloodLight Consulting

How to stay young - George Carlin

One of my favourite comedians, George Carlin passed away recently. George assaulted the barricades of censorship on behalf of a generation of comics that followed him. I have kept a piece he wrote many years ago on how to stay young and I would like to share it with you here on my blog. Donald Robichaud / FloodLight Consulting


Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions. 'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five!

That's the key!!You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead.'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life . . . you BECOME 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony. YOU BECOME 21.

YESSSS!!!But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone.

But wait!!! You MAKE IT to 60. You didn't think you would!So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE IT to 60.You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70!

After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!You get into your 80s and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30 ; you REACH bedtime and it doesn't end there. I

Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.'Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!'

May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health : If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9 Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

George Carlin 1937 - 2008

Donald Robichaud - FloodLight Consulting Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Defining your Company Values!!

In the last few weeks we discussed how to define a great Mission Statement and we covered the importance of a great Vision Statement. This week we will focus on your Company Values.

Values: Strong values will be those which actually operate in practice. Your company values underpin the vision and the mission. No business is value-free and it is important to be explicit about those values that are essential to the business achieving its vision. If values are not made explicit, then the values of the most dominant people are likely to be those which actually operate in practice.

If you do not define your company values, the company will be adrift without proper direction.

“Four key questions to define your Company Values”

1. What are the values that are important to you as the business owner?
2. What are the values that will be important to your team members?
3. What are the values that will be important to your customers?
4. What are the values that will be important to the success of the business?

Example of Values for a construction company:

Our core values form the bricks and mortar of our business, which operates and grows as a company and proud community member.
• TRUST: All long-term relationships are grounded in trust and we take great pride in representing ourselves with honesty and humility in all our affairs. Our win-win philosophy also enables us to develop lasting partnerships with our clients.
• VALUE: Our clients expect us to earn our fee - not just collect it. We work hard on all our projects to find value through design efficiencies and creative execution in our work.
• TEAMWORK: We are easy to work with (clients find that refreshing).
• INNOVATION: We are committed to always improving how we deliver our services. From continuing education in the field, to investment in industry-leading management and estimating tools, we strive constantly to be the leader in our field.
• COMMUNITY: We feel blessed to be involved in literally building our communities, and we are committed to making a lasting difference in the ones which we build. Five percent of the company's earnings are donated back to charities every year.

So if the Vision is your “Big Picture”, the Mission is the “How we do it here”, then the Company Values define “How we do business every day”. Now go and Grow Your Business.

Donald Robichaud is the President of FloodLight Consulting and can be reached at or at 250-768-9415

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Alex Mandossian - Do You Believe These to be 9 Unarguable Truths?

I just read a great blog article by Alex Mandossian that I'd like to share with you,

Donald Robichaud / FloodLight Consulting

By Alex Mandossian on June 19, 2008

Facts or fiction? That’s the question that accompanies this recent email I got from a friend. Maybe you’ve seen it, maybe you haven’t … but I thought it was worth passing along :-)

These should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where you can read it every day. You may not realize it, but the original ”sender” claimed that these are 100% true.

1) There are at least 2 people in this world that you would die for.
2) At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3) The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4) A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don’t like you.
5) Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6) You mean the world to at least 3 other people.
7) Someone that you don’t even know exists, trusts you.
8) When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
9) When you think the world has turned its back on you, take another look because what you see may surprise you.

Great personal friends and business colleagues are like stars … you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there :-)

Click Here to visit Alex's Blog
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Friday, June 20, 2008

FloodLight Consulting - Vision Statement for your business

This month I’d like to discuss the Vision Statement for your business. So you need to ask yourself a few key questions:

. What is the purpose of your business?
· Does it represent your core values as a person?
· Does everyone who works with you know what your Vision is?

A Vision statement is usually the first part of a three-part statement of purpose.The second part is the Mission statement, which is a concrete and localised statement of intent.Finally, the third part is the Values statement, describing the values that are important to the running of the business and that are implicit in the vision and mission of the business. (Mission and Values will be covered in the next newsletters.)

This month we will focus on the Vision Statement. A lot of Entrepreneurs struggle with coming up with a vision.

Here is a simple and easy guide to follow: Your Vision is the ideal destination. It is where the business wants to be. It should be challenging, innovative and forward-looking.

FloodLight - Tip of the month / “Six steps to follow when defining your Vision”

To define your vision you need to follow these steps:
1. Draw on your core the beliefs and those of the organization.
2. Describe what you want to see in the future. It should be both realistic and challenging.
3. Be SMART about each outcome - Specific-Measurable-Achievable-Realistic-Timely
4. Be positive and inspiring.
5. Do not assume that the business will have the same framework as it does today.
6. Be open to modifications to current business techniques and systems

The Benefits of defining your Vision breaks you out of boundary thinking:

- Provides continuity and Identifies direction and purpose.
- Alerts stakeholders to needed change.
- Promotes interest and commitment and promotes laser-like focus.
- Encourages openness to unique and creative solutions.
- Encourages and builds confidence.
- Builds loyalty through involvement (ownership).
- Results in efficiency and productivity.

The above steps can be very easy or complicated, depending on the scope of your business. The golden rule is to keep it simple so that your clients and everyone in your organization understand your vision.

The Vision Staement will become your inspiring light, “The Big Picture” of your company!
If you need help creating your Vision Statement Click here!!
Donald Robichaud

Doreen Cardwell - sales coach - Kelowna

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jeffrey Gitomer - Got satisfied customers? No, you got“vulnerable” customers.

Great article from Jeffrey Gitomer enjoy,

as posted May 27th 2008 - Jeffrey Gitomer

Got satisfied customers? No, you got “vulnerable” customers.

One of the main reasons “customer satisfaction” is a meaningless statistic is that it’s not predictable, let alone measurable, as relates to business growth.
Right about now all customer satisfaction people, from marketing to award companies, are writing me off as a “know-nothing” human who has no concept of business. “You MUST have satisfied customers or you can’t build a business.”
Wrong SAT-score breath. Way wrong.

“Satisfied” is the LOWEST level of acceptable customer service. Any hotel in the world, can guarantee satisfaction because they can easily fix what’s wrong and count you among their minions. But they won’t guaranty loyalty. THAT would take work.
Satisfaction is NOT an action taken because something is wrong or something broke. Oh no, satisfaction is a feeling – and an indicator of future business.

Enter “loyalty.”
The real measure of customer response and value. I only care about two things in my relationship with a customer:

Read the rest of this article here ...
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Sales Consulting Kelowna - Top 10 questions to ask of your Market

In last month’s newsletter we discussed “How to work a Room”. This month we’ll discuss defining your “Target Market”, because if you show up to “work a room” with a great “Elevator Pitch” and the people have no need for your service, then you are wasting your time!!!!

In the last few years I have seen hard-earned money wasted because the owner of the business did not take the time to analyze who is their “Target Market”.

Imagine practicing hockey with your eyes closed or throwing a football with a blindfold. In both cases, being prevented from seeing your target would make it nearly impossible to hit it. This concept can easily be applied to business.

Doing business without defining your “Target Market” handicaps you and will prevent you from reaching your objectives, increasing your sales, and growing your market share.

FloodLight Tip of the Month – “Top 10 questions to ask of your Market”

To define your target market you need to answer all the questions below:

1. Who is your Ideal Customer?
2. What are the solutions that your ideal customer is looking for?
3. What kinds of information does your ideal customer need?
4. What message would your ideal customer be likely to respond to?
5. How many exposures to your information does your ideal customer need?
6 Where is your ideal customer likely to be? (hang out, read, listen, watch)
7. What kind of relationship would your ideal customer like with you?
8. What kind of relationship would you like with your ideal customer?
9. What is the best way to communicate and learn from your ideal customer?
10. When is your relationship with your ideal customer likely to be win-win-win?

The above questions can be very easy to answer or very complicated, depending on your product or service. Once you have answered all the above you will be well on your way to marketing success.
If you need help defining your Target Market Click here!!
Donald Robichaud
FloodLight Consulting
Donald Robichaud - FloodLight Consulting Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

Thursday, May 1, 2008

FloodLight Consulting - Networking for Results - How to “Work a room”

Last month we discussed the importance of an “Elevator Pitch”. This month we’ll take a look at a few things you can do to take advantage of networking events.

Networking at an event is a great way of getting your name or service out in front of potential customers. In fact, in the past few years my clients have forged a number of relationships that have led to more sales and sustained growth for their business by attending events with friends and business associates, and working different parts of the room with a plan to meet their target market.

While there are a number of ways to “work a room” that offer varying degrees of success, here are some good, fundamental strategies to keep in mind. By applying these techniques, you’ll give yourself the best chance of establishing sustained relationships that lead to more sales!

FloodLight - Tip of the month / 10 tips on How to “work a room” that delivers results!!!!!

1. Start with the end in mind – You want to create a positive first impression. Dress appropriately. Take plenty of business cards; this makes it easier for others to contact you. Decide that you want to make the most of the event. Be open, upbeat and enthusiastic. Choose an event that is closely matched with your target market. Wear your own personalized name badge or wear a badge with your personal tag line.

2. Arrive early and scout the room – Look over the room and pick three to four key areas where traffic will flow but also allow you to acknowledge people. At a recent event I chose two areas where people had to go by and get their refreshments. It allowed me to meet seven new business contacts and I renewed six old acquaintances in my target market. Out of this event three prospects have recently become clients.

3. Set a goal for the number of new people (Prospects) you want to meet who are in your target market – Consider how many people you would like to talk to and how many cards you would like to take away. Ideally at a two hour event a minimum of 5 to 10 new people in your target market should be your goal. Make sure your goal is a stretch, yet achievable, and don’t leave until you’ve met your goal. This can give you the impetus to move on in the conversation.
4. Act like a host, not a guest – If you adopt the mindset of a host you are more likely to be proactive in greeting people, introducing yourself and asking people if they would like to meet others. You can create as strong an impression by being a conduit for people. Be open in posture and do not square your shoulders to your prospect, boxing people in. Keep an open stance which will allow others to join in your conversation and give more opportunities to meet people.

5. Breaking into groups – Avoid approaching two people who seem to be talking intensely. Instead approach groups of three or more. Stand close by and acknowledge what’s being said through your body language and facial expressions. Seize the right moment to make eye contact and say ‘hello’ or add something to the conversation. Even better, look for an acquaintance or business associate and stop by to speak with them when they are speaking with someone you do not know.

6. Make your introduction interesting (Elevator Pitch) – An effective introduction is brief and memorable; it needs to have sufficient impact to get the interest of the group. That’s why you need an Elevator Pitch – a short description of your business that enables prospective buyers to know who you work with and what value you bring to the relationship. An Elevator Pitch conveys your marketing message in a manner that literally attracts the right customer to you.

7. Listen and aim to give value – Listening is crucial when networking and it’s only too evident when someone is not paying attention to you. Find out about the person/people in the group, uncover ways you can be a useful resource to them. Show a genuine interest in the person – you’re more likely to find common ground as they open up. People want to spend time with people they like and trust.

8. Change your focus from ‘what’s in it for me?’ to ‘what can I offer you?’ – People quickly work out if someone is aiming to sell to them or is only interested in taking what they can get. Networking is about developing relationships with others, so meeting people at events is about starting the process, not ending it. If you give value by helping them in some way – by introducing them to a referral or offering some information – they’re more likely to spend time with you and respond to your follow-ups.

9. Breaking away professionally – You may feel uncomfortable or rude breaking away from a conversation, even though such events or cocktail parties are designed for people to circulate. If you’re enjoying the company, suggest that you both join another group. If you want to get away completely, or the conversation has run its course, say something like ‘it’s been great to meet you, I hope you enjoy the rest of the event’ or ‘let’s keep in touch’. Don’t over-complicate your exit, just make your voice tone sound final, and then move away. As you leave mention that you will follow up with them later in the week.

10. Follow up afterwards – Ask each person you meet for two cards – one to pass on and one to keep. It’s a powerful way of demonstrating you’d like to refer them to someone, or vice versa. Make a note on their business card of what you’ve promised to do for them, so you don’t forget. If they were open to your “Elevator Pitch” suggest that you will send them some further information. Once you have stepped away, note down a memorable feature of their image, or the conversation, to remind you of who they are. If you’re meeting lots of people, it’s easy to lose track. As soon as possible afterwards, drop them a line or give them a call and do what you said you would do. They’ll be delighted that you remembered them. Agree how you’ll keep in touch going forward.
Donald Robichaud
FloodLight Consulting

Clint Best - Marketing Coach Kelowna - Sales Coach Kelowna - Branding Coach Kelowna - Online Internet Business Coach - Search Engine Positioning - SEO

Saturday, April 19, 2008

FloodLight Consulting - You have to start somewhere!!!!!!!!!!

As you grow so will your business.

In the last few years I’ve had many discussions with Start Ups, Entrepreneurs and mid size businesses and I am always amazed that they can’t explain their business in a concise couple of sentences.
The same business owners are struggling to find new leads, close sales and market their business. When I ask if they’re experts in their field, I get all types of odd answers from, No!!!!!! to, “well I don't have a university degree” or even worse "I don’t know".

If you’re not an expert in your field and fully confident of your products and service your potential customers will sense your weakness and not be moved to desire your services.

My goal in 2008 is to use this blog to share monthly ideas and tips for improving your sales efforts, the marketing and branding of your business and the improvement of you.

FloodLight - Tip of the month / Continue the learning process
You are the key to your success. You need to have an open mind and continue the learning process. You need to become the expert in your field and the only way to do this is to continue learning. My first tip of the month for 2008 is to:

Take stock of your business.
1. Write down the top ten must improve areas of your business for 2008
2. Now divide the top ten in to the following areas of Sales / Marketing/ and Business operation.
3. You will notice that one area will become painfully obvious.
4. Go buy a book to read in that obvious area. (possibly Marketing)
5. Monday to Friday get up an hour earlier every morning or shut off the TV early at night and read every day. Five days a week for one hour. Take notes of the things you like and implement as soon as possible.
5 hours x 52 weeks = 260 hours dedicated to learning.

The investment in learning will pay multiple dividends in 2008 !!!!!!
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